Sunday, August 09, 2009

Anna the Dancing Queen and

my Aunty Kaye strutting her stuff as well....

Kimmy and all her friends!!!!

Retreat in full swing!!! We had 102 lovely ladies!

The Twilight Gals!!!

Nic's Stamp Sets!!!!!!!

Cute little notebook holder

Card received from Hollie from SU in the States.

Brayering Technique

Steph showed us this faux seersucker technique at Retreat.

A page I made for a workshop I had recently. Sam is 4 this week....argghhhh my baby is growing up too quickly!!!!

DO NOT FAINT!!!! But I am creating a new post on my be honest it did take me a while to remember how to do it though. I thought I would just pop on here quickly and let you all know I am still around. I have been teaching full time for a while now so my time has been limited....hence no posting for months....Anyway as you have seen I have put some recent cards, pages and gifts I have made, cased and received over the last few months up for you all to have a look at. I will also put some photo's from retreat which we held a few weeks ago. Thanks to all of you who came and made it such a great weekend! Especially my twilight gals!!!
I hope all of you are fantastic! I's only 10 sleeps to the Incentive trip at Noosa so can't wait!!!! A very welcome holiday!!!